What's New in Microsoft SharePoint Designer 2010 (E-Learning)

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Length:1.00 hours - Excluding labs and assessments
Published:Jun 15, 2010
Audiences:Information Worker
Technology:Microsoft Office 2010 suites
Delivery method:Self-pace Course

Course Contents: 

This one-hour online course is designed to give you an overview of the new and improved features of SharePoint Designer 2010.

Topics covered in this course include:
Introduction to the New User Interface of SharePoint Designer 2010
Customizing the Ribbon and Working Behind the Scenes
Using the New and Improved Site Editing Features
Restricting Site Modifications
Using the New Workflow Features
Creating External Content Type and External Lists


Describe the new user interface of Project SharePoint Designer 2010 .
Explain the new and improved features for scheduling tasks editing a site .
Explain the new and improved features for managing resources working with workflows, external content type, and external lists..


Learners taking this course must be familiar with document management concepts and must have worked with document management systems and/or SharePoint before. They should have a experience working with SharePoint and SharePoint Designer.

Learners familiar with SharePoint Designer 2007 should complete Course 4697: Introduction to the New Microsoft® Office Fluent™ User Interface before taking this course.

For more information on What's New in Microsoft SharePoint Designer 2010 (E-Learning) please feel free to contact us online or call us at 416-513-1535.