Programming in C# with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 (10266)

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Course Contents: 

Module 1: Introducing C# and the .NET FrameworkThis module explains the .NET Framework, and using C# and Visual Studio 2010 for building .NET Framework applications.Lessons

  • Introduction to the .NET Framework
  • Creating Projects Within Visual Studio 2010
  • Writing a C# Application
  • Building a Graphical Application
  • Documenting an Application
  • Running and Debugging Applications by Using Visual Studio 2010

Lab : Introducing C# and the .NET Framework

  • Building a Simple Console Application
  • Building a WPF Application
  • Verifying the Application
  • Generating Documentation for an Application

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Explain the purpose of the .NET Framework.
  • Create Microsoft Visual C# projects by using Visual Studio 2010.
  • Explain the structure of a C# application.
  • Use the WPF Application template to build a simple graphical application.
  • Use XML comments to document an application.
  • Use the debugger to step through a  program.

Module 2: Using C# Programming ConstructsThis module explains the syntax of basic C# programming constructs.Lessons

  • Declaring Variables and Assigning Values
  • Using Expressions and Operators
  • Creating and Using Arrays
  • Using Decision Statements
  • Using Iteration Statements

Lab : Using C# Programming Constructs

  • Calculating Square Roots with Improved Accuracy
  • Converting Integer Numeric Data to Binary
  • Multiplying Matrices

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Declare variables and assign values. 
  • Create expressions by using operators.
  • Create and use arrays.
  • Use decision statements.
  • Use iteration statements.

Module 3: Declaring and Calling MethodsThis module explains how to create and call methods.Lessons

  • Defining and Invoking Methods
  • Specifying Optional Parameters and Output Parameters

Lab : Declaring and Calling Methods

  • Calculating the Greatest Common Divisor of Two Integers by Using Euclid's Algorithm
  • Calculating the GCD of Three, Four, or Five Integers
  • Comparing the Efficiency of Two Algorithms
  • Displaying Results Graphically
  • Solving Simultaneous Equations (optional)

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Describe how to declare and call methods
  • Define and call methods that take optional parameters and output parameters

Module 4: Handling ExceptionsThis module explains how to catch exceptions and handle them. Students will also learn how to throw exceptions.Lessons

  • Handling Exceptions
  • Raising Exceptions

Lab : Handling Exceptions

  • Making a Method Fail-Safe
  • Detecting an Exceptional Condition
  • Checking for Numeric Overflow

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Describe how to catch and handle exceptions
  • Describe how to create and raise exceptions

Module 5: Reading and Writing FilesThis module explains how to perform basic file I/O operations in a C# application.Lessons

  • Accessing the File System
  • Reading and Writing Files by Using Streams

Lab : Reading and Writing Files

  • Building a Simple Editor
  • Making the Editor XML Aware

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Describe how to access the file system by using the classes that the .NET Framework provides. 
  • Describe how to read and write files by using streams.

Module 6: Creating New TypesThis module explains how to create and use new types (enumerations, classes, and structures)Lessons

  • Creating and Using Enumerations
  • Creating and Using Classes
  • Creating and Using Structs
  • Comparing References to Values

Lab : Creating New Types

  • Using Enumerations to Specify Domains
  • Using a Struct to Model a Simple Type
  • Using a Class to Model a More Complex Type
  • Using a Nullable Struct

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Describe how to create and use enumerations.
  • Describe how to create and use classes.
  • Describe how to create and use structures.
  • Explain the differences between reference and value types.

Module 7: Encapsulating Data and MethodsThis module explains how to control the visibility and lifetime of members in a type.Lessons

  • Controlling Visibility of Type Members
  • Sharing Methods and Data

Lab : Encapsulating Data and Methods

  • Hiding Data Members
  • Using Static Members to Share Data
  • Implementing an Extension Method

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Describe how to control the visibility of type members. 
  • Describe how to share methods and data.

Module 8: Inheriting From Classes and Implementing InterfacesThis module explains how to use inheritance to create new reference typesLessons

  • Using Inheritance to Define New Reference Types
  • Defining and Implementing Interfaces
  • Defining Abstract Classes

Lab : Inheriting From Classes and Implementing Interfaces

  • Defining an Interface
  • Implementing an Interface
  • Creating an Abstract Class

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Use inheritance to define new reference types.
  • Define and implement interfaces.
  • Define abstract classes.

Module 9: Managing the Lifetime of Objects and Controlling ResourcesThis module explains how to manage the lifetime of objects and control the use of resources. Lessons

  • Introduction to Garbage Collection
  • Managing Resources

Lab : Managing the Lifetime of Objects and Controlling Resources

  • Implementing the IDisposable Interface
  • Managing Resources Used By an Object

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Describe how garbage collection works in the .NET Framework.
  • Manage resources effectively in an application. 

Module 10: Encapsulating Data and Defining Overloaded OperatorsThis module explains how to create properties and indexers to encapsulate data, and how to define operators for this data. Lessons

  • Creating and Using Properties
  • Creating and Using Indexers
  • Overloading Operators

Lab : Creating and Using Properties

  • Defining Properties in an Interface
  • Implementing Properties in a Class
  • Using Properties Exposed By a Class

Lab : Creating and Using Indexers

  • Implementing an Indexer to Access Bits in a Control Register
  • Using an Indexer Exposed by a Class

Lab : Overloading Operators

  • Defining the Matrix and MatrixNotCompatible Types
  • Implementing Operators for the Matrix Type
  • Testing the Operators for the Matrix Type

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Explain how properties work and use them to encapsulate data.
  • Describe how to use indexers to access data through an array-like syntax. 
  • Describe how to use operator overloading to define operators for your own types.

Module 11: Decoupling Methods and Handling EventsThis module explains how to decouple an operation from the method that implements an operation, and how to use these decoupled methods to handle asynchronous events.Lessons

  • Declaring and Using Delegates
  • Using Lambda Expressions
  • Handling Events

Lab : Decoupling Methods and Handling Events

  • Raising and Handling Events
  • Using Lambda Expressions to Specify Code

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Describe the purpose of delegates, and explain how to use a delegate to decouple an operation from the implementing method.
  • Explain the purpose of lambda expressions, and describe how to use a lambda expression to define an anonymous method. 
  • Explain the purpose of events, and describe how to use events to report that something significant has happened in a type that other parts of the application need to be aware of.

Module 12: Using Collections and Building Generic TypesThis module introduces collections, and describes how to use Generics to implement type-safe collection classes, structures, interfaces, and methods.Lessons

  • Using Collections
  • Creating and Using Generic Types
  • Defining Generic Interfaces and Understanding Variance
  • Using Generic Methods and Delegates

Lab : Using Collections

  • Optimizing a Method by Caching Data

Lab : Building Generic Types

  • Defining a Generic Interface
  • Implementing a Generic Interface
  • Implementing a Test Harness for the BinaryTree Project
  • Implementing a Generic Method

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Use collection classes.
  • Define and use generic types.
  • Define generic interfaces and explain the concepts of covariance and contravariance.
  • Define and use generic methods and delegates.

Module 13: Building and Enumerating Custom Collection ClassesThis module explains how to implement custom collection classes that support enumeration. Lessons

  • Implementing a Custom Collection Class
  • Adding an Enumerator to a Custom Collection Class

Lab : Building and Enumerating Custom Collection Classes

  • Implementing the IList TItem Interface
  • Implementing an Enumerator by Writing Code
  • Implementing an Enumerator by Using an Iterator

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Implement a custom collection class.
  • Define an enumerator for a custom collection class.

Module 14: Using LINQ to Query DataThis module explains how to query in-memory data by using LINQ.Lessons

  • Using the LINQ Extension Methods and Query Operators
  • Building Dynamic LINQ Queries and Expressions

Lab : Using LINQ to Query Data

  • Using the LINQ Query Operators
  • Building Dynamic LINQ Queries

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Describe how to use the LINQ extension methods and query operators.
  • Describe how to build dynamic LINQ queries and expressions.

Module 15: Integrating Visual C# Code with Dynamic Languages and COM ComponentsThis module explains how to integrate code written by using a dynamic language such as Ruby and Python, and technologies such as COM, into a C# applicationLessons

  • Integrating C# Code with Ruby and Python
  • Accessing COM Components from C#

Lab : Integrating C# Code with Dynamic Languages and COM Components

  •  Integrating Code Written by Using a Dynamic Language into a C# Application
  • Using a COM Component from Visual C# Application

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Integrate Ruby and Python code into a Visual C# application.
  • Invoke COM components and services from a C# application.


The course focuses on C# program structure, language syntax, and implementation detailswith .NET Framework 4.0. This course describes the new enhancements in the C# 4.0 language by using Visual Studio 2010. In this course, lower-intermediate level programmers gain the knowledge and skills they need to develop C# applications for the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0. The course highlights the structure of C# 4.0 programs, language syntax, and implementation details. This course is not mapped to any exam.


Before attending this course, students must have:

  • At least 12 months experience working with an Object Oriented language
  • Have C++ or Java knowledge:
    • Creating Classes
    • Inheritance and Abstraction
    • Polymorphism
    • Interfaces
    • Exceptions
  • Knowledge of the Visual Studio IDE.


After completing this course, students will be able to:

  • Explain the purpose of the .NET Framework, and understand how to use C#  and Visual Studio 2010 to build .NET Framework applications. 
  • Understand the syntax of basic C# programming constructs.
  • Create and call methods in a C# application. 
  • Catch, handle and throw exceptions.
  • Perform basic file IO operations in a C# application.
  • Create and use new types (enumerations, classes, and structures), and understand the differences between reference types and value types.
  • Control the visibility and lifetime of members in a type.
  • Use inheritance to create new reference types.
  • Manage the lifetime of objects and control the use of resources.
  • Define properties and indexers to encapsulate data, and define operators for this data.
  • Decouple an operation from the method that implements an operation, and use these decoupled operations to handle asynchronous events.
  • Use collections to aggregate data, and use Generics to implement type-safe collection classes, structures, interfaces, and methods.
  • Implement custom collection classes that support enumeration.
  • Query in-memory data by using LINQ.
  • Integrate code written by using a dynamic language such as Ruby and Python, or technologies such as COM, into a C# application

This course is intended for experienced developers who already have programming experience in C, C++, Visual Basic, or Java and understand the concepts of object-oriented programming.
This course is not designed for new programmers; it is targeted at professional developers with at least 12 months experience of programming in an object-oriented environment.

Materials Available: 
40 hours
For more information on Programming in C# with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 (10266) please feel free to contact us online or call us at 416-513-1535.