Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 C/Side Solution Development (80055A) Exam MB7 - 841

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This five-day instructor-led course provides students with the knowledge and skills to develop Microsoft Dynamics NAV applications within the Classic Client and Role Tailored Client environments. This course is programming intensive. This is the second course on C/SIDE and knowledge from the Introduction in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 course is vital to the understanding of the concepts and for participation in this course. In this course you will learn programming documentation, debugging tools, performance issues, complex data variables and their internal member functions, multi-language functionality, analysis of objects, posting routines, interfaces to Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009, and some Microsoft SQL Server 2008 issues.

Course Contents: 

Module 1: Client Requirements
The Diagnosis section of this chapter provides the "executive summary" of the business case, including the client's profile and a high-level description of their needs. The Analysis section describes the client's specific requirements for the system, including the data models based on those requirements and the basic project implementation plan.

  • Diagnosis - Executive Summary
  • Analysis - Functional Requirements
  • Data Model
  • Project Plan
    After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Diagnose the executive summary.
  • Analyze functional requirements.
  • Create a data model based on the functional requirements.
  • Develop a project plan.
    Module 2: Master Tables and Pages
    This module explains how the requirements for master tables and pages for the solution are discussed before moving on to the Design and Implementation phases.
  • A Quick Refresher
  • Customers and Participants
  • Rooms
  • Instructors
  • Seminars
  • Testing
    Lab : Create Seminar Room Tables and Pages
    Lab : Adding Code for Seminar Rooms
    Lab : Creating Instructor Tables and Pages
    Lab : Create Seminar Tables and Pages
    After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Use formalized analysis and design methodology.
  • Understand master table and page standards.
  • Work with table event triggers.
  • Work with the complex data types and their member functions.
  • Enable multi-language functionality.
  • Define the strategy for implementing Customers and Participants.
  • Create the tables to manage the seminar rooms.
  • Create instructor data management.
  • Create seminar data management.
  • Test the master tables and pages by following a test script.
    Module 3: Registrations
    This module explains how to implement functionality to allow users to perform transactions with the master data.
  • Prerequisite Information
  • Types of Tables
  • Additional Functions
  • Registrations
  • Testing Seminar Registrations
    Lab : Create Tables and Pages for Seminars
    Lab : Add Code to the Seminar Charge Table
    Lab : Adding Code to Seminar Registration Header
    Lab : Create Seminar Tables and Pages
    After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Import and export objects as text files.
  • Support multilanguage functionality.
  • Use main and subpages (document pages).
  • Use virtual tables.
  • Use temporary tables.
  • Review the various types of tables.
  • Review of C/AL functions.
  • Create additional tables and user interfaces (pages) to maintain registrations.
  • Test the results of the Labs.
    Module 4: Posting
    This module explains how to use the registration information to create ledger entries for seminars through a posting routine. This functionality is added to the Seminar module by the end of this chapter.
  • Prerequisite Information
  • Posting Seminar Registrations
    Lab : Creating the Tables and Pages for Seminar Registration Posting
    Lab : Creating the Codeunits and Page for Seminar Journal Posting
    Lab : Modifying the Table
    Lab : Creating Instructor Tables, Pages and Codeunits for Job Posting
    Lab : Role Tailored Client Menu Setup
    After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Create journal posting routines.
  • Create document posting routines.
  • Write internal documentation for modifications to existing objects.
  • Debug code.
  • Program for low-impact on the application.
  • Develop pages and codeunits for posting.
  • Add objects to the RoleTailored client menu.
  • Test the design and development work.
    Module 5: Integration
    This module explains how to integrate these features with one another and with the standard application, making it user-friendly. This requires using MenuSuite objects and implementing Microsoft Dynamics NAV Navigate functionality. This chapter addresses the integration of solution functionality with the user interface (UI) of the application.
  • Prerequisite Information
  • Seminar Feature Integration
  • Navigate Integration
  • Testing Managing Integration
    Lab : Integrating Seminar Features
    Lab : Modifying Objects to Integrate with Navigate
    After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Integrate previously created Seminar module features with one another by adding the Navigate feature to pages.
  • Add to the Department Menu so that the Seminar module functionality is accessible in a standard way.
  • Integrate the Navigate feature into the Seminar module.
  • Test integration of the Navigate feature.
    Module 6: Reporting
    This module explains how to create reports for the Seminar module.
  • Prerequisite Information
  • Participant List Reporting
  • Certificate Information
  • Invoice Posting
    Lab : Create the Participant List
    Lab : Creating the Certificate Confirmation Report
    Lab : Creating the Invoice Posting Report
    After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Use report event triggers.
  • Use special report functions.
  • Create reports for both the Classic and RoleTailored clients.
  • Create a seminar participant list.
  • Create a confirmation certificate for a seminar participant.
  • Create a ProcessingOnly report that posts invoices.
    Module 7: Statistics
    This module explains how statistics are added to the Seminar Management module using FlowFilters and FlowFields.
  • Prerequisite Information
  • Seminar Statistics
  • Testing
    Lab : Creating FlowFields for Sums
    Lab : Creating the Seminar Statistics Page
    After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Create a page that calculates price sums efficiently.
  • Make the page available from the Seminar pages.
  • Use FlowFilters to easily calculate statistics for different time periods.
    Module 8: Dimensions
    This module explains how Dimensions are used to control how analysis occurs.
  • Prerequisites
  • Code Walkthrough - Dimension Management Codeunit
  • Dimension Master Tables, Pages, and Codeunits
  • Dimensions in Documents
  • Dimensions in Posting
    Lab : Using The Debugger Interface to View The Dimension Process
    After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Describe Global, Shortcut and Budget dimension types and their functions.
  • List the basic rules of Dimension Setup.
  • List the functions that help populate the dimension tables.
  • Enable multi-language functionality.
  • Describe the flow of dimension values for posted documents.
  • Describe how shortcut dimension fields are used.
    Module 9: Interfaces
    his module explains how the some of the methods that are used to interface Microsoft Dynamics NAV to external software or hardware.
  • Prerequisite Information
  • File-Handling
  • Email Confirmation
  • Using an XMLport
    Lab : Creating Email Confirmations
    Lab : Creating the XML Seminar Registration Participant List
    After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Use automation servers to perform tasks with other applications.
  • Install and use custom controls in C/AL.
  • Use file handling functions to import or export data.
  • Design and implement an e-mail capability.
  • Use the XMLport to generate exported data in XML format.
    Module 10: Web Services
    This module explains how the interoperation between different software applications, running on a variety of platforms and/or frameworks occurs.
  • Web Services Overview
  • Web Service Opportunities
  • Creating, Exposing and Consuming Web Services
    Lab : Creating a Web Service
    Lab : Create a Console Application to Consume the Codeunit Web Service
    Lab : Create a Console Application to Consume the Seminar Card Page Web Service
    Lab : Create an Infopath Form to Consume a New Web Page Service for Seminar Participants
    After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Know how Microsoft Dynamics NAV supports Web services.
  • Evaluate the benefits of Web services over other integration options in Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
  • Understand how to expose codeunit and page objects as Web services.
  • Consume Web services using functions developed through Visual Studio and Infopath.
    Module 11: Optimizing for SQL Server
    This module explains how the differences between the two servers options available with Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009.
  • Classic Database Server for Microsoft Dynamics NAV
  • SQL Server for Microsoft Dynamics NAV
  • Representation of Microsoft Dynamics NAV Tables and Indexes in SQL Server
  • Collation Options
  • SQL Server Data Replication
  • Backup Options
  • SQL Server Query Optimizer
  • Optimizing a Microsoft Dynamics NAV Application
  • Overview of NDBCS
  • Optimization of Cursors
  • Locking, Blocking, and Deadlocks
  • How SIFT Data is Stored in SQL Server
    After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Distinguish between the two database options available in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009.
  • Comprehend the advantages of both the Classic Database Server and the SQL Server for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009. Work with table event triggers.
  • Work with and store tables and indexes.
  • Use collation options and descriptions.
  • Understand the SQL Server Data Replication process of distributing data.
  • Know backup options available and best practices for backup.
  • Introduction to SQL Server Query Optimizer.
  • Understand how the Microsoft Dynamics NDBCS driver allows the Microsoft Dynamics NAV clients to communicate with SQL Server.
  • Understand the value of optimizing cursors to maximize performance.
  • Understand the performance impact of locking, blocking and deadlocks.
  • Understand how SIFT data is stored in SQL Server.
    Module 12: Deployment
    This module explains how deployment marks the end of the implementation phase. During deployment, the final preparations are made and the Seminar module is installed at the client site.
  • Deployment Tasks
  • Ongoing Support Phase
  • Upgrades and Updates
    After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Apply the essential elements of a successful deployment phase.
  • Know of and understand the types of data generally imported into Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
  • Know of and understand the partner's role for ongoing support both during and after the initial deployment phase.
  • Evaluate the difference between updates and upgrades.
  • Understand processes for upgrading executables and objects.
  • Follow the basic steps involved in a typical Microsoft Dynamics NAV upgrade project.
  • Know the tools available to assist with upgrades.
    Additional Reading
    To help you prepare for this class, review the following resources:
  • Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 Developer and IT Pro Help.
  • User Experience Guidelines for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009.
  • Prerequisites: 

    Before attending this course, students must have:
    completed the course: "C/SIDE Introduction in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009"


    After completing this course, students will be able to:

  • Creating solutions following the Microsoft Nav Implementation Methodology.
  • Use debugging tools.
  • Troubleshoot performance issues.
  • Define complex data variables and their member functions.
  • List multi language functionality.
  • Perform analysis of objects.
  • Post routines.
  • Define the architecture of a basic Microsoft Nav document.
  • Define Microsoft Nav dimensions.
  • Deploy customized Microsoft Nav software solutions.

    Prepared for Exam # MB7-841, NAV 2009 C/SIDE Solution Development Certification

  • Audience: 

    This course is intended for Microsoft Certified Business Solutions Partner employees who sell and implement Microsoft Nav solutions. The curriculum is designed for participants who have completed the Introduction in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 course.

    Materials Available: 
    40 hours
    For more information on Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 C/Side Solution Development (80055A) Exam MB7 - 841 please feel free to contact us online or call us at 416-513-1535.