Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 Financials I (8629)

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This three day course explores the basic financial functionality available in Microsoft Dynamics AX. Students learn how to set up the General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, and Bank Modules of Microsoft Dynamics AX, as well as how to create transactions. Labs encompassing the topics covered allow the students hands on practice in setting up financials in Microsoft Dynamics AX. Students completing this course should acquire a good basic understanding of the General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, and Bank Modules.

Course Contents: 

Chapter 1: General Ledger Setup

  • Set up a Currencies and Exchange Rates
  • Create Periods in a New Fiscal Year
  • Create Date Intervals
  • Create a Dimension Value
  • Create a Dimension Focus

    Chapter 2: Chart of Accounts

  • Create a New Account in the Chart of Accounts (COA)
  • Set Up Account Allocation Terms
  • Set Up System Accounts
  • View Inquiries and Reports Related to the Chart of Accounts

    Chapter 3: Journal Setup

  • Create Journal Names
  • Set Up Journal Controls
  • Create Journal Texts
  • Set Up Balance Control Accounts
  • Set Up General Ledger Parameters

    Chapter 4: General Ledger Daily Procedures

  • Create General Ledger Journals
  • Enter General Ledger Journal Transactions
  • Create Journal Batch Processing
  • Create Approval Journals
  • Create and Retrieve Periodic Journals
  • General Ledger Transaction Reversal
  • Inquire and Report on Daily Journal Transactions

    Chapter 5: Sales Tax Setup

  • Create Ledger Posting Groups
  • Create Sales Tax Authorities
  • Create Sales Tax Settlement Periods
  • Create Sales Tax Codes
  • Create Sales Tax Codes Intervals
  • Create a Sales Tax Groups
  • Create Item Sales Tax Groups
  • Create Sales Tax Transactions
  • Create Sales Tax Exempt Data
  • Calculate and Post Withholding Sales Tax

    Chapter 6: Sales Tax Reports

  • Creating and Printing Report

    Chapter 7: Bank Management Setup

  • Set Up Bank Transaction Types and Transaction Groups
  • Set Up Bank Groups
  • Set Up Payment Purpose Codes
  • Set Up Bank Parameters
  • Create a Bank Account
  • Define the Check Layout for a Bank Account

    Chapter 8: Accounts Payable Setup

  • Create a Payment Schedule
  • Create Terms of Payment
  • Create a Payment Day
  • Set Up Cash Discount
  • Create a Payment Fee
  • Create a Method of Payment
  • Set Up Vendor Groups
  • Set Up Posting Profiles
  • Create a New Vendor

    Chapter 9: Accounts Payable Daily Procedures

  • Explain the Different Invoice Journals
  • Approve an Invoice Register Journal
  • Create an Invoice excl. Posting
  • Create an Invoice Journal
  • Create a Payment Proposal
  • Run a Payment Proposal for a Mark for Settlement
  • Create a Payment Journal
  • Generate a Payment
  • Edit Open Transactions
  • Reverse Settlements

    Chapter 10: Accounts Payable Reports and Inquiries

  • Reports

    Chapter 11: Accounts Receivable Setup

  • Payment Schedule
  • Terms of Payment
  • Payment Day
  • Cash Discount
  • Payment Fee
  • Methods of Payment
  • Customer Groups
  • Posting Profiles
  • Create a New Customer

    Chapter 12: Accounts Receivable Daily Procedures

  • Customer Process Overview
  • Create a Free Text Invoice
  • Create a Payment Journal
  • Edit Open Transactions
  • Reverse Settlements
  • Reimburse a Customer

    Chapter 13: Accounts Receivable Reports and Inquiries

  • Reports

    Chapter 14: Bank Management Daily Procedures

  • Create Checks
  • Delete Checks
  • Create a Bank Deposit Entry
  • Void Checks
  • Create a Check Refund that Prints Out a Check
  • Use Bank Remittances
  • Cancel Payment
  • Reconcile a Bank Account

    Chapter 15: Bank Management Report and Inquiries

  • Inquiries
  • Reports

    Chapter 16: Financial Statements

  • Create a Dimension Focus
  • Create a Row Definition
  • Design the Structure of Row Definitions
  • Create a Column Definition
  • Print a Financial Statement
  • Create and Print a Dimension Statement
  • Display Balance by Dimension

    For more Information about the course outline
    and contents please CLICK HERE

  • Prerequisites: 

    Before attending this course, students must have:

  • Basic knowledge of accounting principles.
  • An understanding on how to navigate within Microsoft Dynamics AX.
  • Benefits: 

    After completing this course, students will be able to:

  • Create and set up the Chart of Accounts, General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable and Bank modules, and Financial Statements in Microsoft Dynamics AX.
  • Set up Sales Tax.
  • Understand the General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, and Bank Management daily procedures.
  • Enter transactions in journals - including invoices and payments.
  • Access inquiries and reports to get information needed.
  • Audience: 

    This course is intended for individuals who are on the implementation team, administering or using the financial management modules in Microsoft Dynamics AX. This audience typically includes individuals who are tasked with assessing a customers business needs and advising them on the use, configuration and customization of the application. Additionally, individuals responsible for training or supporting Microsoft Dynamics AX benefit from this course.

    Materials Available: 
    24 hours
    For more information on Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 Financials I (8629) please feel free to contact us online or call us at 416-513-1535.