Advance QTP - QuickTest Pro Training

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Course Contents: 

Overview of Test Automation
Overview of QTP
Preparing to Use QTP
Preparing to Automate the Test
Prepare a simple test by record and play back
Recording modes – context sensitive, low level and analog
Test result analysis
Licensing Mechanisms
Object Repository, Object Recognition & Types of Object
Object Identification
Managing Object Repositories – Shared Object Repository, Implementing and Inserting Shared Object Repository. Releasing Objects
Smart Identification – Base Filter and Optional Filter Properties.
Virtual Objects & Regular Expressions
Standard Checkpoint
Page Checkpoint
Text Checkpoint
Text Area Checkpoint
Bitmap Checkpoint
Image Checkpoint
Database Checkpoint
Accessibility Checkpoint
XML Checkpoint [From application]
XML Checkpoint [From Resource]
Using Regular Expressions for a checkpoint
Running and Analyzing a test with checkpoints
Verifying whether a checkpoint has passed or failed.
Output Values
Environment Variables
Step Generator
Working with Actions in QTP
Exception Handling – Script Debugging concepts [Step Into, Step Over, Step Out, Watch variables, command, breakpoint, debugger viewer, error object]
Recovery Scenarios
Integration of QTP and QC
Design Test data
Datatable concept
External sheet concept
Environment variables concept
Access Database
Usage of test data in scripts using all the above approaches
Logging Results:
Reporter. ReportEvent method and modifying QTP Standard result format
Logging results in notepad using scripting
Logging results in excel using scripting
Establish Database connection
VB Script and its usage
Subs, Functions, Classes, Reusable Components
Creation of above and association with QTP Script
Creation of functions using: QTP and notepad.
Library file concepts and usage in QTP Script
Descriptive Programming
Programming Standards
What is Test Automation Framework?
Why do we need Test Automation Framework?
Types of Test Automation Frameworks
Linear Framework
Modular Framework
Data Driven Framework
Keyword Driven Framework
Hybrid Framework
Overview of BPT
Differences between different frameworks


QTP - QuickTest Pro training from HiTech Institute or equivalent knowledge

24 hours
For more information on Advance QTP - QuickTest Pro Training please feel free to contact us online or call us at 416-513-1535.